The decision was made to leave the young speedsters in bed on a very early Sunday morning and role out the vets for their last chance at the big time. The hallowed turf of Twickenham awaited those lucky few chosen. With a band a merry supporters we hit the road in good time on a luxury coach to arrive for the team briefing.
The eyes light up at the free strip handed out to the players and we were already winners! Role on the games.
Spirited Bracknell & Trojans sides nipped past us in the first two games. The coaching staff agreed that it was time to breakout the beers and head to England's 1st Team changing room for an up lifting captains speech from Nick Mason.
This did the trick and the vets came out and won three of their remaining four games. Tries from Stu Mayo, Basher & Walley showed some very young & keen sides they way to play at Twickenham.
Next the bar awaited. Experienced showed that the best way to take full advantage of free food and beer was to sit by the kitchen door and next to the bar and very soon Newbury Vets sat victorious with bellies full and bags of stash.
Well done to all those who took part.
The next outing for the Vets is the international Fat Boys 7's at Reading Abbey in July, which has been chosen as a warm up for next years France trip!