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News from the  AGM 19 June 2024

News from the AGM 19 June 2024

Christine Morrell8 Jul - 20:14
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... a brief report on what happened at the AGM:


Members were welcomed to the Club’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 19 June 2024

Minutes of the previous AGM on 07 June 2023 were unanimously approved without correction or any questions.

Members received a report from Club Chair, Sarah Tunstall on activities across all sections in the preceding year, from Minis and Juniors, Girls and Colts, through to Senior Women and Men; not forgetting Touch rugby, Veterans (“Bulldogs”) and the newly introduced Walking rugby.

Peter Lambert, Treasurer, presented an update on the financial position which this year is very positive and a post depreciation profit is forecast which is enabling investment back into Rugby and also into the Club’s facilities, including installation of LED Floodlights; and Solar panels which will mitigate the increased energy costs which will kick in next Spring. There also was a proposal to sell a small plot of land to Thames Water to enable necessary works to improve drainage on site, which was approved by Members following a short Q&A.

In moving to the Elections, Secretary, Christine Morrell explained that they were being conducted under the existing structure in the ‘old’ rules as the Financial Conduct Authority had again rejected proposed changes that had been submitted to allow for a restructure with a formally constituted Management Board. However, there was more stability compared with last year as the majority of current office holders were staying on.

Subsequently, Members agreed that the amendments now required by the FCA to correct some minor errors and to ensure compliance with current regulations may be submitted without again following the full process for rule amendments going through a General Meeting.

In a series of votes, Members unanimously approved the re-/election of:

Officers - Sarah Tunstall as Chair; Christine Morrell as Secretary; and Peter Lambert as Treasurer

Committee - Brian Trott (Men’s Chair); Lauren Price-Richards (Women’s Chair); Simon Best (Minis); James McCarthy (Vets and Touch); Ross Smitheman (Coaching coordinator); and Laura Hunter

President - Trevor Coles; and Vice President - David Jones.

Trustees - Lee Newton and Andy Street were elected, joining Adam Prickett and Robin Varley who remain in their roles, while Steve Gibbs and Mark Trumper had retired at the end of their current terms of office.

Members also confirmed the recommendation for two new Life Members - Mick Futcher; and Sarah Thorne, in recognition of their involvement and commitment to the Club over many years.

A proposal had been received to change the Club’s Dogs policy; and to allow them on Saturday and Sunday afternoons with some restrictions; eg to be on kept lead and off all grassed areas at all times. After a wide-ranging discussion considering reasons and opinions both for and against, there was an open vote in which the proposed change in policy was rejected and it remains “Strictly No Dogs”.

The next scheduled General meeting is the Financial AGM, to be held before 30 November 2024.

Christine Morrell
Email via:
08 July 2024


News release AGM 19 June 2024

Further reading